However you stumbled across The Retrospect, you clicked on the about page for a certain reason: to know more about this website. Long story short, it's a safe haven for my reviews of games that have come out in varying eras. One week I could publish a review about an unknown gem from the 90s, the next, it could be an analysis of the most recent, mainstream title to launch in years. I review games for the same reason I play them, I enjoy doing it and I love having a greater understanding of the industry that has molded me into the person I am today.
My Story…
After a year of suddenly getting into the habit of writing reviews of games for my friends to see on my Whatsapp statuses, I realised that I can write more detailed reviews for people who do actually want to see them. This motivated me to make this website from the support of my friends to make reviews on games I just recently played. I continued this for about 2 and 1/2 years under the Wix identity of “The Nostalgia Hut” before deciding to undergo a rebranding of sorts, in form of ‘The Retrospect’.
From RPGs to shooters to puzzles to platformers to even visual novels, I play a huge variety of genres and I often find myself delving into the past and its cult classics. At the same time, I also engage myself in the most anticipated launches that have the whole gaming community in its grasp. Most games I play I end up reviewing, however, there are exceptions such as the Metal Gear Solid series or the Mass Effect trilogy as I don't want to end up playing every game with a critical mindset. Sometimes I just play games for dumb fun, or to develop a personal attachment with their stories and those often don't need essays telling you why I did/didn't enjoy them.
For the ones that I DO review, the games will massively range in age, popularity and quality. Some titles might be a decade old while others could be fresh out of the oven. The point of my reviews aren't to determine if a hot, new, AAA game is worth your time, but instead are for something else. Maybe you want to play a cult classic but can't trust old reviews of it. Maybe you trust my initiution on games. Maybe you're sick of seeing gaming articles and reviewers being paid off to give good scores like IGN. Whatever the reason you have for reading these, I write them because I love the gaming medium and I love writing and I'll try my best to post reviews on beloved (and some hated) games every now and then.